Aftermath of a Crisis

Aftermath of a Crisis - Business, financial crisis documentary
Shortly after the start of the financial crisis of 2008, sociologist Manuel Castells surrounded himself with a small group of top international intellectuals to discuss the crisis in depth. Castells christened his group "The Aftermath Network". From the start the members of the Aftermath network agreed that this crisis was not purely financial and economic in nature, but was also a social and cultural crisis that would fundamentally change the European and US societies.

For three summers in a row the Aftermath thinkers gathered to analyse the crisis in all its manifestations, offering new and surprising perspectives.Under the venue and patronage of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon-Portugal, Castell's multidisciplinary research group meet every year with the aim of discussing in real time and from different angles the societal and cultural consequences of the worldwide economic collapse. Now, thanks to the Dutch VPRO Backlight, a new documentary has been produced. 'Aftermath of a Crisis' is a 48 minute documentary reporting the world incertitude, facing a global fallacy, as well as the emergence of new social movements and protests in Spain, Greece, Portugal and London.

In this documentary, thinkers involved in the project present original perspectives on the aftermath of the crisis to recognize its multiple faces. With Sarah Banet-Weiser, Craig Calhoun, Joao Caraca, Gustavo Cardoso, Manuel Castells, Pekka Himanen, Terhi Rantanen, John Thompson, Michel Wieviorka and Rosalind Williams.

Aftermath of a Crisis - Business, financial crisis documentary

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